All three sexual assault PSA posters on a brick background

PSA Posters

Fall 2020

This series of PSA posters brings attention and awareness to sexual assault. Each poster features a fact about sexual assault that inspires a call to action. The series encourages people to do more research about sexual assault and reach out for help.

The black and white theme conveys a more serious topic. The teal color highlights important data and resources represents sexual assault awareness month color. It is the only part of the posters that is not in grayscale. The people pictured in the photos are diverse, but all express the same feeling of melancholy. This represents the main tagline: It can happen to anyone.

The font used is called Pressio No. 42 Regular Condensed. It is a sans serif font so that the text is not too formal, but it is heavy enough to be serious. Ultimately the poster series successfully draws the attention of viewers, helps spread awareness, and directs the viewer to a potential resource concerning sexual assault.


Type & Swatches

Type and swatch studies of black and teal for PSA poster

Type studies and swatches used in PSA posters

1st Version

First version of poster with woman crying

First version of poster with woman

First flag version of Canton Controllers Logo

First version of poster with man

2nd Version

Second version of poster with woman crying

Second version of of poster with woman that uses gradient

Second version of poster with man

Second version of of poster with woman that uses gradient

First version of poster with child that was added during the other two posters' second editions

In the second version run, a third poster with a child was added

Final Version

Final version of PSA poster of woman

Final version of PSA poster of woman

Final version of PSA poster of child

Final version of PSA poster of child

Final version of PSA poster of man

Final version of PSA poster of man